Tessa Jordan will lead all tutoring sessions. With 15 years of experience in a high school setting, specializing in English Language Arts, Tessa has taught all of the major subject areas. She offers individual and small group tutoring in the areas of math, ELA, science, social studies, reading, and writing. Exam preparation and study skills can also be a focus of tutoring sessions. Services are available to students from Kindergarten to Grade 12.
Upon requesting tutoring services, a complimentary meeting with the student/parent/provider will be scheduled to discuss student needs and determine if Tessa’s services fit.
Rates are as follows:
1 on 1 - $30/hour
2 students - $50/hour
3-6 students - $75/hour
Writing Groups
One of the most challenging things about writing is the actual writing. It is so easy to say we are too busy to make time for writing. The Pen & Page In-Person and Online Writing Groups are meant to offer a commitment and space to dedicate to your writing. Whether you want to work on a specific project (maybe that elusive book you have dreamed of publishing) or create a writing practice to enrich your life, this online group can work for you.
Facilitated by Tessa Jordan, a 15-year educator, published author and newly #fearlesswriter, these 6-8 week long sessions provide scheduled writing time each week, with supportive feedback built in. Groups will meet once per week for 2.5 hours to write, share their writing, and provide feedback to other writers. At the end of the session, there will be a showcase of the writer’s work.
Online Writing Groups – will take place over Zoom.
In-person writing Groups – will take place at Pen & Page Bookshop at 217 Bosworth St. in Wynyard.

Pen & Page Writing Group

Book Clubs
Reading is wonderful, sharing the books we read with others makes it even better! To accommodate reading lovers from across Canada, a variety of book clubs will be offered at Pen & Page Bookshop. Books will be chosen through group votes. Books can be purchased at Pen & Page, but no purchase is necessary to join one of the book clubs.
Online Book Club – Meet once per month
In-Person Book Clubs – Meet once per month

Journal Prompts, Poetry Retreats, Writing Courses and more coming soon!
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